The BlueSky at Black Mountain Equitable Charge is based on actual expenses from the fiscal year. The fees collected in 2025 are based on actual expenses from the prior year.
The City of Kelowna ensures that Architectural Design Guidelines are registered on each and every persons Land Title in BlueSky at Black Mountain. During construction, the developer enforces the guidelines via a deposit when a lot is purchased. Once the home and buildings are complete, a consultant completes an inspection. If the inspection meets the guidelines, then the deposit is released.
The reason the guidelines are registered on the Land Title is for home owners to have a tool to help keep the neighbourhood consistent and they are “TO BE ENFORCED BY THOSE WHO ARE SUBJECT TO THEM”. All the properties in the Uplands are privately owned and the roads and sidewalks belong to the City of Kelowna. This means that the “community” meaning you and your neighbours are responsible to enforce them.
If you have any concerns, it is recommended to talk to your neighbours and as a group, call City of Kelowna By-law to see what can be done.
Purchasing from Developer
If your client is purchasing from the developer, fees have yet to be levied against the property.
Fiscal year is January 1 – December 31 each year.
Please visit the Annual Equitable Charge section above for the amount of current year fees.
The HOA requires new owners to complete and submit an Owner Information Form
Purchasing/Selling from Builder or Person(s)
Fees have been levied against the property.
Fiscal year is January 1 – December 31 each year.
Information regarding the status of account will only be provided by Core Real Estate Group via Estoppel. Similar to a condo Estoppel, the document will outline the fiscal year, current year fees, status of account and if Legal has been contacted.
An estoppel helps to ensure that the Equitable Charge receives and bills the correct owner(s), subsequently reducing interest fees on an annual basis. Furthermore, this allows for all parties in the transaction to have the same information and document, reducing confusion and saving respective legal team’s time in communication to the Equitable Charge. Ultimately, it is to protect your clients.
To order a BC Estoppel, please visit click ‘Condo/HOA Docs’ in the top right corner and it will redirect you to Condo Papers. From this page, you can search for the community, BlueSky, along the right-hand side of the page.
Please note that documents require preparation in our office and will be emailed to you once it is complete.
The HOA requires new owners to complete and submit an Owner Information Form